Training NX CAD Model Analysis and quality control of 3D and 2D data
The course teaches users how to use model analysis, quality control tools. The course focuses on the quality of individual models, methods and procedures used to create models and assemblies, meeting prescribed proce-dures or company standards.
Course determination
The course is intended for intermediate users.
Course participants
The course is intended for designers who use NX. Completion of the NX CAD Complete, NX CAD Free Form course is a prerequisite for the training.
Course length
A total of 1 day.
Course content
Division of quality areas – model, assembly, assembly structure, applied procedures...
Model quality check – imported geometry,sewing the model
Model repairs, adding missing walls, etc.
Definition of tests for checking compliance with company standards
Evaluation of tests
Setting up automatic validation of models and assemblies with the possibility of defining a comprehensive set of tests