Training NX CAD Sheet Metal II.
The course covers the area of sheet metal part creation in CAD NX.
Course determination
The course is intended for intermediate users.
Course participants
This course is intended for designers who use NX when designing products made by bending and forming sheet metal parts. Completion of the NX CAD Modelling course is a prerequisite for the training. After completing the NX CAD Sheet Metal I. training, it is possible to take only differential training.
Course length
Total of 2 days. As a differential training only 1 day.
Course content
NX Sheet Metal Application Basics – Settings and Standards
Strategies and procedures for creating a sheet metal part
Design features for modelling sheet metal parts produced by bending
Formed design features
Conversion of parts to sheet metal parts
Flat patterns of sheet metal parts for drawing and export for production
Modelling and unfolding of transition sheet metal parts of general shapes
Practical examples