Training NX CAD Assembly

The course covers the area of assembly creation in CAD NX. The subject is working in assemblies application.

Course determination

The course is intended for intermediate users. 

Course participants

This course is intended for designers who use NX to create assemblies or prepare conceptual CAD deployment. Completion of the NX CAD Modelling course is a prerequisite for the training.

Course length

A total of 10 days in three cycles (usually 4+3+3 days) with weekly breaks for practice at your own workplace.

Course content
  • Introduction to NX assembly principles

  • Assemblies – working with components, navigating in the assembly, adding and moving components

  • Collision analysis in assemblies

  • Component settings, BOM

  • Interpart modelling – WAVE, interpart expressions

  • Part families – families of similar parts based on a table

  • Definition of deformable parts – springs, hoses

  • Variable part positioning – Arrangements and Position override

  • Practical examples


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